While many women have heard about squirting, it can be hard to figure out exactly what it is and how to do it. Plus, it can be a little messy, too!

How Can You Make Yourself Squirt
How Can You Make Yourself Squirt?

But don’t let that discourage you – it can be fun and incredibly pleasurable. And you don’t need a partner to do it! Just follow these tips to get started.

1. Relax Your Sphincters

The anal sphincter is a muscle that surrounds the entrance of your anus and helps control urine flow, gas (flatulence), and stool. It also acts as a valve that prevents your bladder from leaking into your rectum.

There are two types of anal sphincters: the internal and external. Both are involuntary muscles that cannot be controlled by your mind.

You can relax your sphincters by practicing deep breathing and meditation. Try to meditate in a quiet, distraction-free environment.

Another way to relax your sphincters is to push down a hard, dry stool with a laxative or enema. A lubricant like KY gel may also help soften the stool so that it can pass more easily.

The most common mistake people make when trying to relax their sphincters is rapid, forceful straining. This can cause pain, which can lead to failure to relax your sphincters.

2. Get Yourself Aroused

If you want to quickly get yourself aroused, you’ll need to learn a few techniques. These include experimenting with your erogenous zones (the parts of your body that are most sexy) and using sex toys, such as vibrators and dildos.

You may also want to practice breathing techniques, which help you relax and enter a state of mind that’s more receptive to sex arousal. According to sexual empowerment coach Jocelyn Silva, a pre-sex meditation routine is one of the best ways to enter that state.

Smells can also boost your sex drive, so try a variety of colognes or essential oils that you enjoy, as well as other aphrodisiacs like vanilla and patchouli oil. You can also try putting a scent in your room, like candles or scented bath salts, which will instantly turn your surroundings into a sensual experience.

3. Practice Your Techniques

Squirting is a rare sex experience for many women, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. With some practice, you can get it on your own or with a partner.

The first step is to mentally relax. Try to imagine the sex you want to have and make yourself feel it.

You can also play around with your clitoris and g-spot to find a comfortable position that feels right for you. Some girls are able to squirt more easily when their partner is close and touches them.

Once you know your clitoris and g-spot are relaxed, it’s time to practice your techniques. You can do this in any position, but lying down may be the most comfortable for you.

This is a high-energy process, so it’s important to be relaxed before you attempt squirting. If you have a partner, talk about their expectations and comfort levels ahead of time so that you can both enjoy the sex.