If you are looking to get into the oral blowjob business, then there are a few things you need to know. For instance, what are the different types of mouthpieces, how are they treated, and what precautions should you take before you begin.

Oral Blowjob Basics
Oral Blowjob Basics

Comfy Blowjob

A comfy oral blowjob may not be in your near future, but it’s not too far off in the future. The best place to start is at home or your office. You can make it a sexy office date night if you’re lucky, or a sexy night out with the ladies. One of the most enjoyable parts of oral sex is that you and your partner can do it in comfort without the constraints of an actual bed. That’s a win/win situation, and it is the secret to a successful oral sex.

Glide Dams

Glide Dams are an oral barrier that can provide some relief from squeamishness. They are made of latex, like a condom. However, they can be difficult to find. Some dental supply stores carry them, but they may not be available at most stores.

In anal sex, the anus and the vulva are both very sensitive and empathetic. The anus can be a great place for oral stimulation. A dam is a very small, square or rectangle shaped pad that covers the vulva to stop fluids from spilling out.

There are several different kinds of Glide Dams. Some of them have a sweet smell, while others are designed for a cooling sensation. Choosing the right one depends on your taste.


Blow job, also known as fellatio, is an oral sex activity that stimulates the penis and vulva. It can also involve stimulation of the clitoris and testicles with the mouth.

Blow jobs are a fun and exciting sex activity to do with a partner. However, there are a few things that you need to know before you begin.

If you’ve never heard of blow job before, you may be surprised to learn that it is not a traditional sex activity. Traditionally, it was regarded as dirty and taboo. In fact, going down on someone was considered a sin. Consequently, it was punishable by death. But the act became more common in the 19th and 20th centuries.


Cunnilingus is an oral sex act that is similar to blow job. It involves the use of your tongue, lips, and clitoris to stimulate the anus and vulva. You may also use your finger.

To perform cunnilingus, you must first find a good position. The ideal position is one that will not only provide more stimulation, but one that will also be comfortable for you. For example, you can lie on your back and place your thighs in front of you. This will give you an excellent view of your partner’s anus while providing her with a more intimate experience.


Anilingus is the act of giving or receiving oral sex. This can be done using a variety of techniques, from licking the perineum to swallowing the semen. If you are considering this type of sex you should check your partner’s back for any bumps or bruises that could make it unsafe.

Taking the time to do it right can mean the difference between a good or bad experience. Keeping an eye out for the most obvious of accidents and taking precautions to avoid them can go a long way in ensuring that your oral blowjob is a success.


If you are planning on doing an oral blowjob with your partner, you need to be aware of the potential hazards. Aside from the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), oral sex can also lead to HPV and chlamydia.

It is important to remember that these infections can be avoided with proper hygiene. You should always wash your hands after having a blowjob. This will help prevent tooth decay and bleeding gums.

In addition, it is important to avoid touching your partner’s mouth or head. You should also use condoms. These devices will keep you from coming in contact with bacteria and will reduce your risk of infection.