If you’re looking for sexual pick up lines for a guy, there are a lot of options out there, from PG-13 to ultra-explicit. The following lines will get your guy’s attention in a few different ways. These lines range from ‘I love you’ to ‘I’m sorry’.

Sexual Pick Up Lines to Say to a Guy
Sexual Pick Up Lines to Say to a Guy

Dirty pick-up lines

If you’re looking for a way to spark a guy’s interest, try some dirty sexual pick-up lines. These lines are sure to get a reaction from the other person. They may not be enough to make someone fall in love with you, but they will definitely make them laugh. Try out these lines whenever you’re in a lull in conversation.

Try to keep your voice as low as possible and use a dirty pick-up line to catch his attention. You can also use a corny pick-up line to tell him how beautiful you think he looks. Remember that the dirty sexual pick-up lines to say to he’s not for long-term relationships!

Pickup lines aren’t for every girl. But they are fun and will get a guy’s attention. You’ll want to use them sparingly to avoid scaring off the guy you’re trying to woo. Remember that every line has a time and place and don’t use them on people you know or see every day! Also, you don’t want to offend a girl by using these lines.

PG-13 to ultra explicit pick-up lines

If you want to pick up a guy, there are many ways to do it. There are PG-13 and XXX pick up lines, but you can also use milder ones. However, if you do use something too vulgar, you may be rejected by the wrong guy. So, make sure to practice with a more subtle line first before going all out.

‘I love you’

Using a sexual pick up line can be a great way to make a guy feel sexy and wanted. Whether your lines are clean or dirty, men respond to seductive tones and lines that are delivered with the lips. A dirty pick up line warns a man that you don’t want a long-term relationship, and can also be a good way to get his attention.

Another way to get a man’s attention is to ask him if he’s wearing underwear. This can send him into a tailspin and give you a chance to prove it later on. You can also ask him to kiss you if you’re interested in getting close.

Although dirty pick up lines can get a response from men, they are not appropriate for all situations. Always make sure to feel out a match before trying a dirty line. It’s best to hold off using them on Tinder or during an IRL meet-up. They should only be used in the early stages of a long-term relationship or a flirty situationship. You should also evaluate the person’s sense of humor before using dirty pick up lines.

‘I’m sorry’

One of the most effective pick up lines is ‘I’m sorry’. This simple phrase is a great conversation starter and can make your crush laugh. If you don’t know what to say, try a riddle or joke that you think your crush will enjoy. Don’t over think it. You’ll want to be confident in yourself when you use this sexual pick up line.

Although this sexy pick up line isn’t appropriate for every situation, it will still get a reaction. It won’t make the other person fall in love with you, but it is sure to earn you some laughs. Use it any time there’s a lull in a conversation.