If you’re interested in a relationship that doesn’t involve monogamy, you might want to know about the swinging lifestyle. But finding someone in the swinger community isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Swinger Identifiers
Swinger Identifiers

That’s why some people believe a few subtle identifiers can tell you who’s into it. Here are some of the most common ones:

Black Ring

The Black Ring is the most visible and recognizable swinger identifier to date. It’s a surprisingly effective and easy-to-identify sign, but it can also lead to some mix-ups.

According to Cooper Beckett, the host of Life on the Swingset podcast, the black ring has been making a splash in the swing community for a few years now, but it’s actually an ancient tradition that dates back hundreds of years. It was thought to mean all sorts of things, from a symbol of malevolent magic to a warning against marriage.

However, it’s unlikely that you’ll see a black ring at an indistinguishable get-together with swingers. Besides, there are other black ring options out there, like the Partners ID – cleverly made with the international symbol for swingers engraved on it!


The Unicorn is a popular swinger identifier and symbol. It’s a simple, rainbow-colored emoji that was officially approved by Unicode in 2015.

When someone puts the unicorn emoji on their profile or bio, it suggests they’re looking for a relationship that includes three people. They may want to join a couple only for sex or become a more involved part of the relationship and spend nonsexual, companionship time with them.

This can be a great way to meet people who share your interests and are available for fun. However, it’s important to make sure you know the dynamics of a unicorn relationship before entering it.

This is especially true if you’re considering joining a unicorn polyamorous relationship. It can be confusing and challenging to navigate the unbalanced power dynamics that come with a threesome. As a result, it’s crucial to have good communication and ensure everyone’s needs are met.

Lawn & Gardens

One of the most iconic symbols of the American Dream is the lawn. The lawn has been around for a long time, tracing its roots back to the estate gardens of the Middle Ages. However, it was only in the 20th century that the lawn made the leap from the rural savannah to the suburban boulevard.

The lawn aficionado will tell you that a well-manicured lawn is not only a great place to relax, but also an effective marketing tool for the land lord. While the idea of having a garden may seem antiquated, modern landscape architects and homeowners have made it a breeze to create an ornamental lawn on a budget. A well-maintained lawn has a plethora of benefits, from providing a green and healthy environment for children and pets to a nice looking outdoor space to entertain guests. It is the best way to display a home’s value and status, and a worthy addition to any neighborhood.

Special Icon/Logo

The Special Icon/Logo is a unique “sign” that swingers wear on wristbands. It was created as an unobtrusive and respectful way to identify swingers potentially in public.

The symbol is a simplified black swing surrounded by a circle on a red background and it represents passion, love and stimulation. It is used on the wristbands and accessories of the swingers community to help them find each other.

Guests on cruise ships and resorts often use this secret code to let others know they are interested in swinging. They do this by tying an upside-down pineapple on the cabin door or by wearing a shirt with a pineapple print.

Swingers also use this symbol to look for each other in public, especially on dating apps. They also use it on social media to post swinger-related content.