If you are not sure how to start a conversation, you can always try one of the following text conversation starters: “What is your favorite look?” This question can help you get started.

Text Conversation Starters
Text Conversation Starters

Also, it is a great way to gauge the other person’s level of interest. It is easy to use and will get the conversation moving.


GIFs are a wonderful way to start a conversation and break the ice. Opening lines are often difficult to say and breaking the ice is often awkward. A good conversation starter is a fun GIF, especially if it is personalized. Rihanna is a great example, but you can use them for many purposes.

A GIF is a looping image that a person can quickly identify with. It can be a good conversation starter, particularly if you’re writing about a subject that isn’t easily explained. GIFs are also an effective tool for journalists who don’t have the resources to hire a graphic designer or invest in expensive software.

A GIF can help break the ice, both in real life and online. It’s less awkward to introduce yourself in a funny GIF than to say “hi.” It can also help guide flirtations back on track. GIFs aren’t just for millennials, either – they’re used by people of all ages, including baby boomers.

Would-you-rather questions

Would-you-rather questions are a great way to warm up a conversation with people you know. They are a great way to see what your friends and family have in common and can reveal interesting facts about them that they may not otherwise talk about. They also have the added bonus of being fun to play, and you don’t need any special equipment to make them a hit.

Would-you-rather questions are a fun way to break the ice at a party or get to know someone better. They are also great for breaking up long car rides and waiting periods. In addition, they can be used to break the ice during virtual playdates. The family can take turns going through the list, and you’ll likely be able to get a lot of laughter out of the process.

Would-you-rather questions are great fun to ask and ponder. They are also interesting because they involve binary choices. People can ask each other strange and interesting questions, which will spark interesting discussions.

Trigger phrases

Trigger phrases are short, powerful statements that elicit strong emotions. They are designed to trigger the desired reaction from the listener and inspire them to take action. You can use them in your copy, email, or social media posts. The key is to use them correctly and often. Once you’ve learned how to use them, you can start conversations with confidence.

Trigger words have been around for a long time. They are associated with sports, news, or events. For instance, a football team’s name will trigger an emotional response in people. They’re also associated with a specific place, event, or person. For example, “Quad Night” is associated with the OU football team, “Cleveland Browns” is associated with an NFL team, and “NY Fire Department” is associated with the city of New York. A person’s name would be newsworthy if the incident had occurred in 1994.

Trigger words are short, simple, and powerful words that incite emotional reactions. When used correctly, they can elevate your content and make it more engaging. Using them in your headlines and CTAs will help you create compelling content that draws readers in and encourages them to take action.