People with hypersexuality tend to have more sex drive than normal. While the desire for sex is a natural human instinct, some people’s sexual habits may be unhealthy. Thankfully, hypersexuality can be treated.

What is Hypersexuality
What is Hypersexuality?

Learn more about this condition and how to manage it. This article will cover topics such as excessive masturbation, watching porn, multiple sexual partners, and bipolar disorder.

Excessive masturbation

Hypersexuality, or compulsive masturbation, is a serious condition characterized by an intense desire to perform sexual acts. It can be a symptom of other conditions, such as bipolar disorder or OCD. While no specific cause of hypersexuality has been identified, there are a variety of treatments and support groups that can help you deal with your problem. The first step toward treating hypersexuality is to seek medical help. Your doctor may recommend some types of treatment, including psychotherapy and medication.

Masturbation can be a natural part of the sexual experience, but it can also become an addiction. While masturbation can be a coping mechanism for mental health problems or other issues, when masturbation becomes a habit, it can affect a person’s self-esteem and negatively impact their relationships.

Watching porn

There are a number of studies that suggest that pornography viewing can cause hypersexuality in women. It has been suggested that pornography viewing can lead to promiscuity and excessive masturbation. It has also been linked to a reduced risk of orgasm in bed. This is because pornography causes the body to secrete dopamine, which is a hormone that activates the reward system.

It is important to recognize that watching porn can cause hypersexuality, and that it’s a problem that requires treatment. A therapist may help individuals with this problem develop treatment plans. In the meantime, the individual may need to avoid situations that trigger the behavior.

Multiple sexual partners

Multiple sexual partners are considered to be a symptom of hypersexuality. It is a very serious problem that can ruin relationships. People suffering from this condition may stray from their partner in a variety of ways. However, help is available and the condition can be controlled. In addition to its physical side effects, multiple sexual partners can lead to mental health problems.

People with multiple sexual partners are often insecure about their relationships and may be at a high risk of social isolation. They might also spend a significant amount of time using drugs and alcohol to enhance the sex experience. Furthermore, they may lose their job or career due to their hypersexual behavior. Their behavior may also make them vulnerable to HIV infection.

Bipolar disorder

The relationship between hypersexuality and bipolar disorder is often fraught with misunderstandings and shame. For example, a person suffering from bipolar disorder might feel guilty about their sexual urges, or feel angry because their partner doesn’t match their libido. In the meantime, their partner might feel frustrated with the person’s constant overtures and worry about his or her loyalty. These two feelings can lead to poor communication, and it’s important to avoid judging each other’s sexual feelings. By destigmatizing sex, couples can re-negotiate their unspoken understandings of what sex means in a relationship.

People with bipolar disorder often experience both hyposexuality and hypersexuality during their manic and depressive episodes. This can be dangerous, as unprotected sex can cause STDs, or even increase the chance of pregnancy. Additionally, compulsive sex can lead to infidelity.


Bipolar hypersexuality can be difficult to control and has negative effects on relationships. In bipolar individuals, hypersexuality is an urge to have sex that goes beyond limits and is often accompanied by feelings of guilt or shame. This type of behavior can also lead to STIs and other health problems. However, it can be managed with therapy and the appropriate medications.

The first step is to visit your treating psychiatrist. This will enable your doctor to determine the levels of various chemicals in your blood. If the levels are low, hypersexuality could be an early sign of an impending illness. It is important to remember that hypersexuality does not necessarily mean amoral behavior; it may simply be an expression of an underlying problem.