If you are wondering what is scooting sex, then you are on the right page. This sex position is a great way to get full body closeness and clitoral stimulation.

What is Scooting Sex
What is Scooting Sex?

This position is also known as the poor missionary. To perform this position successfully, you will need to learn the Coital Alignment Technique (CAT). The CAT will help you align your sex partner’s parts so they are in the correct position for you and your partner.

Lie on your stomach

If you’re looking for an erotically stimulating way to engage in intimate acts, try scooting sex. During this form of sex, you’ll lie on your stomach and engage your partner in a game of scooting. This game celebrates the idea that bigger is better. It also allows you to grind on your partner.

Your partner will enter you from behind, while keeping his or her legs tight together. Then, they’ll thrust you backwards with their legs. Then, their legs will wrap around yours, and they’ll be able to grab your calves and ankles. While they’re doing this, you’ll want to move slowly, as the penis will easily fall out of your body during the action.

Exhale on each other’s skin

Scooting is a popular sexual technique in which a couple exhales on each other’s skin during intercourse. The act adds soft steamy heat to the sensitive parts of the body. The result is tingles that radiate from head to toe.


CAT sex is a form of intimate touch, developed by Edward Eichel in 1988. It is based on the idea that making love should be an expression of physical and emotional satisfaction. It combines lovemaking and sex positions in an attempt to enhance male-female sexual compatibility and increase the woman’s chances of reaching orgasm.

CAT is a variation on the missionary position, wherein the partner moves his body up toward the clit. This motion stimulates the clitoris and labia minora. A CAT partner will use coordinated counter-pressure and movement to apply sustained pressure. This position is similar to the missionary position, but the main difference is in the direction of penetration.

Splitting bamboo

The Splitting Bamboo position is a great position for deep penetration. Both partners must be flexible enough to get into the position. The woman on the bottom must raise her leg high enough to allow the man on top to enter. The man must have a stable leg and can lower it to allow the woman to reach her partner’s g-spot. This position is very comfortable, and you can maintain it by rocking back and forth or using your feet to push deeper.

This sex position is especially beneficial for couples with different body sizes. The woman on the bottom can adjust the angle of penetration and ensure that she gets deep penetration, which can lead to a much deeper orgasm. This sex position does have its disadvantages, however, so it is advisable to be aware of the risks.